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A common language for tech and business.

Arbiter is a powerful low-code platform for building workflows, optimized for reliability, security and complex decision-making.

From simple integrations to complex backends

Arbiter provides an easy and secure way for both business teams and devs to build, test and deploy applications collaboratively.

Arbiter uses a unique new approach to address the most common problems with low-code solutions - reusability, extensibility and maintainability. It is the first strongly typed and compiled low-code framework which enables you to build complex, reliable and robust systems.

Arbiter Features

Strongly-typed and Compiled

Strongly-typed and Compiled

Arbiter's powerful feature that provides more structure and safety to the program and enables you to catch many errors during the compilation time.

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Serverless and AI

Serverless and AI

Serverless functions and AI-powered Text-to-Code generation built-in into a low-code platform.

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Simple and Functional

Simple and Functional

Beautiful and futuristic UI combined with rich functionality and easy-to-perceive concepts.

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DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) principle is integrated into the Arbiter platform for better maintainability.

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Test and Deploy with Ease

Test and Deploy with Ease

Launch code to production faster than ever, do it safely, with the Arbiter's great test-build-deploy pipeline.

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Visibility and Audit

Visibility and Audit

Visibility into every single event that happened during the workflow execution.

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